Thursday, July 11, 2013

Story Teller: Delighting children with stories

As "Readathon" time comes up again I urge all teachers and mothers to instill the love of reading into their children. Every year I get my team together and we make simple head pieces and or masks and act out stories for our school children. We have as much fun as the children do. This is a group who acted out some fables and Read the script as they were acting. We ALWAYS read the script so that the children realise that actors need to be able to read in order to be able to act and entertain audiences.

             Simple, large, bright  head pieces work best and can be used for a variety of stories.

        We use a simple backdrop and as few props as possible and involve the children in our stories.

If you are a mom, let your children and perhaps some of their friends choose a story to act out, let them make the props and write up the script and act it out for the family during school holidays. This will keep them busy for ages. Get involved and be in the play if your children would like you to be in it. It's not about perfection, it's about FUN! Children love drama and are mostly uninhibited so expose them to it.

Watch out for more plays I organise and get going with children you know. If you help out at a children's outreach project do this as an activity, you will enrich the lives of the people youe entertain, young and old.

                                 Please let me know if you try this and how it worked.


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