Monday, July 1, 2013

God's Child and Poet: I danced with God

I danced with God
I danced alone
The music and steps my own,
The moves were unimaginative and almost stunted,
The steps were monotonous, lacking inspiration.
Mostly I was side-tracked
My feet stumbling, clumsy.
My dance was half-hearted,
I often dragged my feet.
It was a chore
Neither a passion nor joy.
For a while I avoided dancing;
The desire to do so had died!

I met with God,
I felt like dancing
A desire I could not push aside.
He took my hand .....
The moves were breathtaking;
I was bursting with desire
To follow in the Master’s footsteps.
I had no need to choreograph this dance
I just followed the lead,
Leaping and soaring
Above my previous boundaries.
Lightness was in every step;
I never want this dance to end.

The music fills my soul
From light and gentle
To furiously funky,
But I need not fret
in God’s control-
He leads me daily
To what will be
The greatest dance yet.

Heather Botha

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