Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tom's Hat and Hats off to Debbie... Tom's painting of Debbie's photograph

My husband, Tom is an artist who does commissions for people in many art mediums. He also teaches art classes on Saturday mornings. Tom is a Master framer.

My friend Debbie is an avid photographer amongst other things ,and she took a photograph in the Kruger National Park which Tom painted in water colour.

Here is the photograph

Here is the painting

The colours are slightly different in these two photographs because I took the picture of the painting when it was framed behind glass, but if you see the two together they are practically exactly the same colours.

I am so proud of Tom's work!

1 comment:

  1. I also think Tom is the most amazing wild life artist and I really think he should show-case his stuff at galleries - what about Parys??
