Friday, August 30, 2013

Entertainer and Nature lover: Keep it simple trendy flowers for your home or party

The latest trend is to decorate as many glass bottles as you need with any bits of lace, twine, string, rope, ribbon, interesting paper, doilies, hessian etc., etc.
Fill your beautifully decorated bottles with whatever you have available in your garden.If you don't have a garden buy a few bunches of very simple, tiny flowers.
I will give some suggestions as I show examples of these little treasures.

Firstly scout around and find as many interesting glass bottles as you can . Ask your friends for any glass bottles they may be throwing out. Don't buy bottles when there are so many interestingly shaped bottles in your  own cupboards. Jam bottles, coffee bottles, pickle bottles, mustard bottles, mayonnaise bottles, chutney bottles- the variety is amazing. Once you start you will almost certainly be hooked. Select many different heights of bottles to add to the look.

Ask whether anyone has scraps of ribbon and lace before purchasing stuff. Also ask for small bits of twine or string. Keep the costs down. It is not necessary to spend money.

Baby Chrysanthymums, Freesias, Lizianthus, Everlastings, Lavender, Wax leaves, Baby roses.

Lavender, Phlox. baby Chrysanths and fine grassy greenery.

These all have a strong fragrance which will make the room smell wonderful.
Using herbs from your garden works well too. It also makes the place smell delightful. Jasmine is flowering at the moment so be sure to add that in small quantities.

Use old bricks to stand your arrangements on. Find rustic candle holders are less than perfect candles to make a beautiful focal point at your home or party. JUST PLAY, you will have fun and your observant guests are sure to appreciate what you have created. These arrangements last for weeks. Give them to your friends when they go home. At Christmas time , which is creeping up faster than you think, have a lot of these available in a Christmas theme set up and give them to whoever pops in to visit.

A piece of hessian which I made a bit tatty by pulling out threads and a raffia bow do the trick.

A variety of bottle coverings. I cut up an old, damaged book to decorate some of the bottles. Combine doilies, bows, cut up pages. Once you start you will not want to stop. A friend and I ended up decorating about 60 bottles!!!!! Just store them in a container in your garage to use. You can fill bottles with sand and stand candles in them too.

Simplicity and beauty. Little treasures. Sweeties in bottles are also great.

Enjoy yourself and send me your ideas.

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